
Hello Visitors,

I started this blog as one of my own personal enjoyment. Here you can find my personal thought catalog vary from the randomness of self-curiousity up to some serious thoughts of stuffs. I am not an expert though, but I am learning here, so I really open up to discussions if you would like to have one. FYI, der denker is actually a german language which means 'the thinker'.

I am kind of person who love to think, to talk about ideas, to discuss latest news, or simply to watch youtube videos on my leisure period.

Oh ya, anything written in this blog is basically based on my own perspectives, thoughts, or speculations, if I had some facts, I would definitely give it. 


Welcome to der denker !

Satrio Wiavianto
Aspiring CEO. Convoluted Reader. Coffee Junkie. 
Internationalism Enthusiast. Inquisitive Thinker. Conquering Leo. Compelling Ambivert. Lovely Friend.